A Prayer for 2025
Our faithful Father, You have been so good to us and You are far greater than we can explain. Your love is so pure and so vast that it engulfs all our fears, mistakes and sins. You knew us before we were in our mother's womb. You know exactly what is ahead of us. Your plan for us is great. Your holiness places us on bended knees. Your majesty is so beautiful. Your sovereignty gives us peace. As we cross over into 2025, we ask that your goodness and mercy follow us each and every day. Let us not know a moment without You in it. We will look to You in everything we do. We will go where Your Holy Spirit leads. We trust You will bless us this year to be a blessing to others and expand Your Kingdom. We will do everything with eternity in mind. We do not fear or will nestle in weariness because of any report or setback. We look forward to every lesson and the strength that will emerge from it. God unite the Church for Your Kingdom to come and Your will to be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Protect us by your precious blood. Thank you for 2024 and for what you're doing in 2025. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.