That Bridge Faith 🌉

That Bridge Faith 🌉

Happy Monday Family!

I was driving across the bridge, entering my hometown, Jacksonville with all of my children in the car. My eyes started looking at the surrounding water wondering how deep it was. I started thinking "none of my children can swim". I felt uneasy considering the possibilities and then my mind snapped back to my normal sense--this bridge is good, it's stable, professional engineers built this and we will be okay.

That's when it hit me, why is it so easy for us to trust men and not God? We will drive across bridges and stay on the top floor at hotels but it's hard to believe that God is going to provide our needs, protect us from illness and that what is happening to us is happening for us. I was like wow, God I'm sorry. Give me confident faith. Give me bridge faith.

If you are second guessing God or don't have confident faith for a certain matter pray this prayer below:


Dear God,

Help us to have confident faith in You. No matter what the news reports, no matter what the statistics say, we trust in your almighty strength, sovereign power and the never ending love that you have for us. As our Heavenly Father, your children are asking that you increase our faith. Show your signs, perform miracles and make dry places in our lives overflowing again. Restore what was lost in our family. Make broken hearts whole. Touch our minds as we keep our mind on Jesus. Give us peace that doesn't make sense, overturning our circumstances.

Lord, thank you for the joy we have in You. You are so great! Your love is so faithful! Nothing will change our minds about You. No one will lead us astray from You. We've seen you move in our lives before and we know You will do it again! Lord give us exactly what we need so You will get all the glory! Thank you for your protection. We honor, praise, and bless Your Holy Name.

In Jesus' Precious Name we pray, amen.


Have a blessed night and a faith-full week!

Your sister in Christ,


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