

Happy Sunday!

Tonight as we prepare for tomorrow, I challenge you to speak LIFE to your week by thanking God for everything you want to see Him do this week.

"Thank you God for a productive week that moves me forward and not backwards.

Thank you God for healing my body of pain.

Thank you God for making provisions for my family.

Thank you God for giving me clarity on what I should do with...

Thank you God for closing this deal/opening a higher position for me/a raise.

Thank you God for bringing us back together."

Whatever you want to come to pass, thank Him for it.

Thank Him in advance as a declaration of faith and movement towards Him, away from doubt, worry or uncertainty.

Be bold and intentional about this week.

And make sure you stay in His presence (by worshipping, reading and listening to His Word), ready to receive what He has for you!

Have a Blessed Night Prayer Warriors! #prayrior 🛡

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