Prayer Promotes God In Your Life | PRAYRIOR™

Prayer Promotes God In Your Life

When you pray you give your attention to God rather than the opposition or conflict in your life.

What is conflicting you? Work, finances, your marriage, family? Are you battling strong holds or addictions? Do you struggle with your identity and have insecurities?

Acknowledge it. Identify it. And give it to the Lord. Start praying to God, asking Him to give you strength in your weakness. Ask Him to purify your mind and redirect your attention to the solution- Him and not the problem.

Praise Him during your prayer by declaring He is a healer, transformer and your provider. Then, thank Him in advance for delivering you and bringing you to a place of peace and confidence that you are conqueror and not a victim of your circumstances.

No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.
Romans 8:37 NIV

Promote God in your life today! Put Him first, pray!

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