Prayer Always Changes Things | PRAYRIOR™

Prayer Always Changes Things

One of my favorite things about prayer is that it ALWAYS changes things.

Prayer isn't just about getting your way, getting what you want or God granting your request.

It's about connecting with God and taking all the pressure off of you and giving it to God. When I pray I'm wrapped in peace, knowing I talked to God and He is in control. His perfect will will be done and I'm okay with it because I know everything that happens from that moment on is working for my good. (Romans 8:28) 

Another thing that happens when you pray is you feel confident.

You see there's nothing that God cannot do. But before you focus on getting an answer right away or have your hand out for more blessings, look at what God is doing right within you, that can't be measured, bought or taken away. 

James 16:22 KJV says

And ye now therefore have sorrow: but I will see you again, and your heart shall rejoice, and your joy no man taketh from you.

God bless!

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