Practical and Prayerful In A Crisis #2: Follow The 7 Steps For COVID-19

Practical and Prayerful In A Crisis #2: Follow The 7 Steps For COVID-19

The Bible instructs us to pray for a lot of things including wisdom. Please make sure that you are praying so that you are not operating in fear. That is not healthy for you and that spirit does not come from God. Satan wants to engulf you to fear and succumb to all sorts of temptations.

For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline. 2 Timothy 1:7 NLT

And while you're praying follow the instructions and orders that have been put in place. God loves order and obedience. He will use sanctions, laws, and instructions for His glorious plan. So don't be a rebel. Do what is right and follow these easy 7 steps. And please remember to pray for those who are fighting COVID-19 and for the families who have lost loved ones.

If you would like to share your needs or concerns so that we may pray, please email

If you would like to be educated and have information from a trusted source please visit the 2 sites below and Google your state and city's most recent update:

God bless you and your family! God will never leave you nor forsake you.

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