Feeling Overwhelmed?

Feeling Overwhelmed?


Good Morning Family!

Have you ever woke up feeling overwhelmed or the day knocked you off your feet by lunch? That my friend means you're considering your own strength and what you're capable of doing rather than resting in the fact that God will work it out.

Romans 8:28 KJV says, "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose."

When you operate with this in mind you feel less pressure, less anxiety and eliminate self doubt. Because it's no longer about you and your limitations--but all about the Sovereign Ruler who is working things out for your good regardless of how it goes.

There's peace in that. It's like knowing you're going to a concert without tickets, but you know your friend, who already knows the arena inside-out and the artists, has backstage passes waiting for you.

You walk differently and move differently when you know God got you. Yes you still have to get yourself together and get ready. Yes you have to drive there and even use the GPS to find it. But after you've done all you can do, and you're in the same place where He is, God got you.

That's why it's so important to put God first.

Matthew 6:33 KJV says, "But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you."

When you seek the Kingdom of God first, that means you are seeking His presence on earth right where you are. And remember, when you are in the same place as Him--He got you!

So today, care less about what you're capable of and what you have the strength to do. Talk to God, turn on your worship music (loud or softly), sing to the Lord, listen to someone teach the Word of God, and read the Bible. Then watch God move in your circumstances and make it work for your good!

I'm trusting God and believing in His promises for you and your family today!

Your sister in Christ,


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