Confess. Intercede. Thrive.
Do you have a brother or sister in Christ you can talk to about your struggles? The weight of sin or bondage you are bearing on your own?
If not, I encourage you to fellowship with other Christians. Do life with them, learn and grow together because there will be times when you all will need each other.
From encouragement to interceding in prayer, it's very important to not do life alone.
In the meantime, you can go to the elders or leaders of your church for prayer.
The bible says the prayers of the righteous availeth much. Who are the righteous? Any one who makes decisions that respect and please God. If you are a man or woman that fears God, you are righteous.
A righteous person is not a perfect person. We are imperfect beings. Yet the bible tells us that Elijah was human just like we are and when he prayed earnestly for no rain, it did not rain. And when he prayed for rain, it rained. We have power in prayer!
So have faith when you pray. The bible is talking about you when it says the righteous. Live victoriously in the blessings and dominion God has for you!
Step 1: Confess to each other
Step 2: Intercede for each other
Step 3. Thrive/Prosper in your answered prayers